South – Getting Started & Next Steps


Activities You Cannot Miss To Do in the South Downs

It has taken quite a long period of time for individuals to be able to be aware of the south downs and this is one special place which is between London and the south-east rolling hills and it has very pretty villages and very wonderful landscapes but after this long period of time, today individuals are able to enjoy this place. Now, in this talk, we have the ability to discuss the various venues that individuals have the opportunity to dine, take a walk and drink while they enjoy there are various scenarios. A place that is a must for you to pay a visit is definitely the seven sisters country park Eastbourne which can be seen from quite a distance along the coast and individuals are able to enjoy activities such as bird watching, cycling, canoeing and just taking nice walks. The Breaky bottom vineyard which is located Lewes is also very intriguing and this is because it is one of the places that produces the best sparkling and also award-winning white wines and for this reason many people come here to enjoy the wine since it is seen to be a serious vine yard and not just a simple tourist attraction.

When it comes to the blackberry wood campsite, Streat, this is definitely a dream campsite and this is because most of the pitches are usually secluded glades and usually the logs are used as seats and fire pit. In this campsite, supper is usually cooked over the open fire and an individual is usually free to also serve it up at the Jolly Sportsman which is an impressive award-winning pub just a short distance away. As much as there are proper showers and bathroom, there is a lot of rural beauty where individuals can walk and get to ride bikes within the site.

The Parham house in Parham is also another very good place that you definitely have to pay a visit and this is because it is surrounded by many of the English of gardens which is a house that has been in existence for over 60 years and has very nice antique paintings, textiles and good furniture. For more info, kindly click here in order for you to be able to get to learn more about how you can best enjoy the South Downs and get to discover more about the interesting places.