The Most Common Mistakes People Make When Feeding and Taking Care of Reptiles Most people associate pets with either cats or dogs, but there are those who are more interested in less popular varieties, say reptiles. You see, bringing home a reptile as a pet is nothing really new; however, if you are contemplating on getting one, the very first thing you need to understand is that taking care of it is never the same to that of owning a cat or dog. While feeding, bathing, and grooming your dog or cat are things you can get used to in a heartbeat, reptiles on the other hand need more attention and care. As a matter of fact, those who don’t spend time studying and researching end up making costly mistakes that result to the death of the pet. Continue reading to learn the common mistakes of owning a pet reptile and in the process be able to avoid making them yourself. 1 – Wrong Feeding
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Since you’re an inexperienced reptile owner, the possibility of committing this mistake is very high, and although you might escape having serious trouble at first, you still need to stop feeding incorrect food to your pet reptile because it could result to its demise or death. The first thing you must figure out is if your pet is carnivore or herbivore. For example, you can’t overly feed a herbivore reptile with meat or protein because its body and system aren’t designed for it. Iguanas and uromastyx lizards are two common examples of lizards that shouldn’t be fed with protein-based diets.
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2 – Hydrating the Wrong Way There’s a very common misconception among pet lizard owners in which they believe there’s nothing wrong in over-watering them. Once there is excess moisture in the cage, bacteria, mold, and mildew will breed and thrive, thereby posing some serious health risks to your pet. There also are some types of lizards such as chameleons which are very temperamental. What this means is that they need very specific moisture levels to be healthy. 3 – Wrong Enclosure/Housing Other than food and moisture level, owners of reptiles also make mistakes when it comes to building the house or enclosure for the animals. If humans need a stable and durable home to be safe from the elements outside, pet reptiles share the same sentiment. Remember that improper housing of your reptile could lead to two things: first is they might get exposed to harm from the outside or second, they could be stressed out due to discomfort. You see, there are things about taking care of reptiles are pets that you still don’t know about, and if you really are serious in succeeding, you need to go the extra mile in learning more about how to take care of your pet.